# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - help CommunitySupport=Forum/Wiki support EMailSupport=Emails support RemoteControlSupport=Online real time / remote support OtherSupport=Other support ToSeeListOfAvailableRessources=To contact/see available resources: HelpCenter=Help center DolibarrHelpCenter=Dolibarr Help and Support Center ToGoBackToDolibarr=Otherwise, click here to continue to use Dolibarr. TypeOfSupport=Type of support TypeSupportCommunauty=Community (free) TypeSupportCommercial=מסחרי TypeOfHelp=Type NeedHelpCenter=Need help or support? Efficiency=Efficiency TypeHelpOnly=Help only TypeHelpDev=Help+Development TypeHelpDevForm=Help+Development+Training BackToHelpCenter=Otherwise, go back to Help center home page. LinkToGoldMember=You can call one of the trainers preselected by Dolibarr for your language (%s) by clicking their Widget (status and maximum price are automatically updated): PossibleLanguages=Supported languages SubscribeToFoundation=Help the Dolibarr project, subscribe to the foundation SeeOfficalSupport=For official Dolibarr support in your language: