# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - loan ModuleBuilderDesc=This tool must be used only by experienced users or developers. It provides utilities to build or edit your own module. Documentation for alternative manual development is here. EnterNameOfModuleDesc=Enter name of the module/application to create with no spaces. Use uppercase to separate words (For example: MyModule, EcommerceForShop, SyncWithMySystem...) EnterNameOfObjectDesc=Enter name of the object to create with no spaces. Use uppercase to separate words (For example: MyObject, Student, Teacher...). The CRUD class file, but also API file, pages to list/add/edit/delete object and SQL files will be generated. ModuleBuilderDesc2=Path where modules are generated/edited (first directory for external modules defined into %s): %s ModuleBuilderDesc3=Generated/editable modules found: %s ModuleBuilderDesc4=A module is detected as 'editable' when the file %s exists in root of module directory NewModule=New module NewObjectInModulebuilder=New object ModuleKey=Module key ObjectKey=Object key ModuleInitialized=Module initialized FilesForObjectInitialized=Files for new object '%s' initialized FilesForObjectUpdated=Files for object '%s' updated (.sql files and .class.php file) ModuleBuilderDescdescription=Enter here all general information that describe your module. ModuleBuilderDescspecifications=You can enter here a detailed description of the specifications of your module that is not already structured into other tabs. So you have within easy reach all the rules to develop. Also this text content will be included into the generated documentation (see last tab). You can use Markdown format, but it is recommended to use Asciidoc format (comparison between .md and .asciidoc: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#compared-to-markdown). ModuleBuilderDescobjects=Define here the objects you want to manage with your module. A CRUD DAO class, SQL files, page to list record of objects, to create/edit/view a record and an API will be generated. ModuleBuilderDescmenus=This tab is dedicated to define menu entries provided by your module. ModuleBuilderDescpermissions=This tab is dedicated to define the new permissions you want to provide with your module. ModuleBuilderDesctriggers=This is the view of triggers provided by your module. To include code executed when a triggered business event is launched, just edit this file. ModuleBuilderDeschooks=This tab is dedicated to hooks. ModuleBuilderDescwidgets=This tab is dedicated to manage/build widgets. ModuleBuilderDescbuildpackage=You can generate here a "ready to distribute" package file (a normalized .zip file) of your module and a "ready to distribute" documentation file. Just click on button to build the package or documentation file. EnterNameOfModuleToDeleteDesc=You can delete your module. WARNING: All coding files of module (generated or created manually) AND structured data and documentation will be deleted! EnterNameOfObjectToDeleteDesc=You can delete an object. WARNING: All coding files (generated or created manually) related to object will be deleted! DangerZone=Danger zone BuildPackage=Build package BuildPackageDesc=You can generate a zip package of your application so your are ready to distribute it on any Dolibarr. You can also distribute it or sell it on marketplace like DoliStore.com. BuildDocumentation=Build documentation ModuleIsNotActive=This module is not activated yet. Go to %s to make it live or click here ModuleIsLive=This module has been activated. Any change may break a current live feature. DescriptionLong=Long description EditorName=Name of editor EditorUrl=URL of editor DescriptorFile=Descriptor file of module ClassFile=File for PHP DAO CRUD class ApiClassFile=File for PHP API class PageForList=PHP page for list of record PageForCreateEditView=PHP page to create/edit/view a record PageForAgendaTab=PHP page for event tab PageForDocumentTab=PHP page for document tab PageForNoteTab=PHP page for note tab PageForContactTab=PHP page for contact tab PathToModulePackage=Path to zip of module/application package PathToModuleDocumentation=Path to file of module/application documentation (%s) SpaceOrSpecialCharAreNotAllowed=Spaces or special characters are not allowed. FileNotYetGenerated=File not yet generated RegenerateClassAndSql=Force update of .class and .sql files RegenerateMissingFiles=Generate missing files SpecificationFile=File of documentation LanguageFile=File for language ObjectProperties=Object Properties ConfirmDeleteProperty=Are you sure you want to delete the property %s? This will change code in PHP class but also remove column from table definition of object. NotNull=Not NULL NotNullDesc=1=Set database to NOT NULL. -1=Allow null values and force value to NULL if empty ('' or 0). SearchAll=Used for 'search all' DatabaseIndex=Database index FileAlreadyExists=File %s already exists TriggersFile=File for triggers code HooksFile=File for hooks code ArrayOfKeyValues=Array of key-val ArrayOfKeyValuesDesc=Array of keys and values if field is a combo list with fixed values WidgetFile=Widget file CSSFile=CSS file JSFile=Javascript file ReadmeFile=Readme file ChangeLog=ChangeLog file TestClassFile=File for PHP Unit Test class SqlFile=Sql file PageForLib=File for the common PHP library PageForObjLib=File for the PHP library dedicated to object SqlFileExtraFields=Sql file for complementary attributes SqlFileKey=Sql file for keys SqlFileKeyExtraFields=Sql file for keys of complementary attributes AnObjectAlreadyExistWithThisNameAndDiffCase=An object already exists with this name and a different case UseAsciiDocFormat=You can use Markdown format, but it is recommended to use Asciidoc format (omparison between .md and .asciidoc: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#compared-to-markdown) IsAMeasure=Is a measure DirScanned=Directory scanned NoTrigger=No trigger NoWidget=No widget GoToApiExplorer=API explorer ListOfMenusEntries=List of menu entries ListOfDictionariesEntries=List of dictionaries entries ListOfPermissionsDefined=List of defined permissions SeeExamples=See examples here EnabledDesc=Condition to have this field active (Examples: 1 or $conf->global->MYMODULE_MYOPTION) VisibleDesc=Is the field visible ? (Examples: 0=Never visible, 1=Visible on list and create/update/view forms, 2=Visible on list only, 3=Visible on create/update/view form only (not list), 4=Visible on list and update/view form only (not create), 5=Visible on list end view form only (not create, not update).

Using a negative value means field is not shown by default on list but can be selected for viewing).

It can be an expression, for example:
preg_match('/public/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])?0:1
($user->rights->holiday->define_holiday ? 1 : 0) DisplayOnPdfDesc=Display this field on compatible PDF documents, you can manage position with "Position" field.
Currently, known compatibles PDF models are : eratosthene (order), espadon (ship), sponge (invoices), cyan (propal/quotation), cornas (supplier order)

For document :
0 = not displayed
1 = display
2 = display only if not empty

For document lines :
0 = not displayed
1 = displayed in a column
3 = display in line description column after the description
4 = display in description column after the description only if not empty DisplayOnPdf=Display on PDF IsAMeasureDesc=Can the value of field be cumulated to get a total into list? (Examples: 1 or 0) SearchAllDesc=Is the field used to make a search from the quick search tool? (Examples: 1 or 0) SpecDefDesc=Enter here all documentation you want to provide with your module that is not already defined by other tabs. You can use .md or better, the rich .asciidoc syntax. LanguageDefDesc=Enter in this files, all the key and the translation for each language file. MenusDefDesc=Define here the menus provided by your module DictionariesDefDesc=Define here the dictionaries provided by your module PermissionsDefDesc=Define here the new permissions provided by your module MenusDefDescTooltip=The menus provided by your module/application are defined into the array $this->menus into the module descriptor file. You can edit manually this file or use the embedded editor.

Note: Once defined (and module re-activated), menus are also visible into the menu editor available to administrator users on %s. DictionariesDefDescTooltip=The dictionaries provided by your module/application are defined into the array $this->dictionaries into the module descriptor file. You can edit manually this file or use the embedded editor.

Note: Once defined (and module re-activated), dictionaries are also visible into the setup area to administrator users on %s. PermissionsDefDescTooltip=The permissions provided by your module/application are defined into the array $this->rights into the module descriptor file. You can edit manually this file or use the embedded editor.

Note: Once defined (and module re-activated), permissions are visible into the default permissions setup %s. HooksDefDesc=Define in the module_parts['hooks'] property, in the module descriptor, the context of hooks you want to manage (list of contexts can be found by a search on 'initHooks(' in core code).
Edit the hook file to add code of your hooked functions (hookable functions can be found by a search on 'executeHooks' in core code). TriggerDefDesc=Define in the trigger file the code that you want to execute when a business event external to your module is executed (events triggered by other modules). SeeIDsInUse=See IDs in use in your installation SeeReservedIDsRangeHere=See range of reserved IDs ToolkitForDevelopers=Toolkit for Dolibarr developers TryToUseTheModuleBuilder=If you have knowledge of SQL and PHP, you may use the native module builder wizard.
Enable the module %s and use the wizard by clicking the on the top right menu.
Warning: This is an advanced developer feature, do not experiment on your production site! SeeTopRightMenu=See on the top right menu AddLanguageFile=Add language file YouCanUseTranslationKey=You can use here a key that is the translation key found into language file (see tab "Languages") DropTableIfEmpty=(Destroy table if empty) TableDoesNotExists=The table %s does not exists TableDropped=Table %s deleted InitStructureFromExistingTable=Build the structure array string of an existing table UseAboutPage=Disable the about page UseDocFolder=Disable the documentation folder UseSpecificReadme=Use a specific ReadMe ContentOfREADMECustomized=Note: The content of the README.md file has been replaced with the specific value defined into setup of ModuleBuilder. RealPathOfModule=Real path of module ContentCantBeEmpty=Content of file can't be empty WidgetDesc=You can generate and edit here the widgets that will be embedded with your module. CSSDesc=You can generate and edit here a file with personalized CSS embedded with your module. JSDesc=You can generate and edit here a file with personalized Javascript embedded with your module. CLIDesc=You can generate here some command line scripts you want to provide with your module. CLIFile=CLI File NoCLIFile=No CLI files UseSpecificEditorName = Use a specific editor name UseSpecificEditorURL = Use a specific editor URL UseSpecificFamily = Use a specific family UseSpecificAuthor = Use a specific author UseSpecificVersion = Use a specific initial version IncludeRefGeneration=The reference of object must be generated automatically IncludeRefGenerationHelp=Check this if you want to include code to manage the generation automatically of the reference IncludeDocGeneration=I want to generate some documents from the object IncludeDocGenerationHelp=If you check this, some code will be generated to add a "Generate document" box on the record. ShowOnCombobox=Show value into combobox KeyForTooltip=Key for tooltip CSSClass=CSS for edit/create form CSSViewClass=CSS for read form CSSListClass=CSS for list NotEditable=Not editable ForeignKey=Foreign key TypeOfFieldsHelp=Type of fields:
varchar(99), double(24,8), real, text, html, datetime, timestamp, integer, integer:ClassName:relativepath/to/classfile.class.php[:1[:filter]] ('1' means we add a + button after the combo to create the record, 'filter' can be 'status=1 AND fk_user = __USER_ID AND entity IN (__SHARED_ENTITIES__)' for example) AsciiToHtmlConverter=Ascii to HTML converter AsciiToPdfConverter=Ascii to PDF converter TableNotEmptyDropCanceled=Table not empty. Drop has been canceled. ModuleBuilderNotAllowed=The module builder is available but not allowed to your user. ImportExportProfiles=Import and export profiles ValidateModBuilderDesc=Put 1 if this field need to be validated with $this->validateField() or 0 if validation required