# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - stocks WarehouseCard=Warehouse card Warehouse=Warehouse Warehouses=Warehouses ParentWarehouse=Parent warehouse NewWarehouse=New warehouse / Stock Location WarehouseEdit=Modify warehouse MenuNewWarehouse=New warehouse WarehouseSource=Source warehouse WarehouseSourceNotDefined=No warehouse defined, AddWarehouse=Create warehouse AddOne=Add one DefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse WarehouseTarget=Target warehouse ValidateSending=Confirm shipment CancelSending=Cancel shipment DeleteSending=Delete shipment Stock=Stock Stocks=Stocks MissingStocks=Missing stocks StockAtDate=Stocks at date StockAtDateInPast=Date in the past StockAtDateInFuture=Date in the future StocksByLotSerial=Stocks by lot/serial LotSerial=Lots/Serials LotSerialList=List of lot/serials Movements=Movements ErrorWarehouseRefRequired=Warehouse reference name is required ListOfWarehouses=List of warehouses ListOfStockMovements=List of stock movements ListOfInventories=List of inventories MovementId=Movement ID StockMovementForId=Movement ID %d ListMouvementStockProject=List of stock movements associated to project StocksArea=Warehouses area AllWarehouses=All warehouses IncludeEmptyDesiredStock=Include also negative stock with undefined desired stock IncludeAlsoDraftOrders=Include also draft orders Location=위치 LocationSummary=Short name of location NumberOfDifferentProducts=Number of unique products NumberOfProducts=Total number of products LastMovement=Latest movement LastMovements=Latest movements Units=Units Unit=Unit StockCorrection=Stock correction CorrectStock=Correct stock StockTransfer=Stock transfer TransferStock=Transfer stock MassStockTransferShort=Mass stock transfer StockMovement=Stock movement StockMovements=Stock movements NumberOfUnit=Number of units UnitPurchaseValue=Unit purchase price StockTooLow=Stock too low StockLowerThanLimit=Stock lower than alert limit (%s) EnhancedValue=값 EnhancedValueOfWarehouses=Warehouses value UserWarehouseAutoCreate=Create a user warehouse automatically when creating a user AllowAddLimitStockByWarehouse=Manage also value for minimum and desired stock per pairing (product-warehouse) in addition to the value for minimum and desired stock per product RuleForWarehouse=Rule for warehouses WarehouseAskWarehouseOnThirparty=Set a warehouse on Third-parties WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringPropal=Set a warehouse on Commercial proposals WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringOrder=Set a warehouse on Sales Orders WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringProject=Set a warehouse on Projects UserDefaultWarehouse=Set a warehouse on Users MainDefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse MainDefaultWarehouseUser=Use a default warehouse for each user MainDefaultWarehouseUserDesc=By activating this option, during creation of a product, the warehouse assigned to the product will be defined on this one. If no warehouse is defined on the user, the default warehouse is defined. IndependantSubProductStock=Product stock and subproduct stock are independent QtyDispatched=Quantity dispatched QtyDispatchedShort=Qty dispatched QtyToDispatchShort=Qty to dispatch OrderDispatch=Item receipts RuleForStockManagementDecrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock decrease (manual decrease is always possible, even if an automatic decrease rule is activated) RuleForStockManagementIncrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock increase (manual increase is always possible, even if an automatic increase rule is activated) DeStockOnBill=Decrease real stocks on validation of customer invoice/credit note DeStockOnValidateOrder=Decrease real stocks on validation of sales order DeStockOnShipment=Decrease real stocks on shipping validation DeStockOnShipmentOnClosing=Decrease real stocks when shipping is set to closed ReStockOnBill=Increase real stocks on validation of vendor invoice/credit note ReStockOnValidateOrder=Increase real stocks on purchase order approval ReStockOnDispatchOrder=Increase real stocks on manual dispatching into warehouse, after purchase order receipt of goods StockOnReception=Increase real stocks on validation of reception StockOnReceptionOnClosing=Increase real stocks when reception is set to closed OrderStatusNotReadyToDispatch=Order has not yet or no more a status that allows dispatching of products in stock warehouses. StockDiffPhysicTeoric=Explanation for difference between physical and virtual stock NoPredefinedProductToDispatch=No predefined products for this object. So no dispatching in stock is required. DispatchVerb=Dispatch StockLimitShort=Limit for alert StockLimit=Stock limit for alert StockLimitDesc=(empty) means no warning.
0 can be used to trigger a warning as soon as the stock is empty. PhysicalStock=Physical Stock RealStock=Real Stock RealStockDesc=Physical/real stock is the stock currently in the warehouses. RealStockWillAutomaticallyWhen=The real stock will be modified according to this rule (as defined in the Stock module): VirtualStock=Virtual stock VirtualStockAtDate=Virtual stock at a future date VirtualStockAtDateDesc=Virtual stock once all the pending orders that are planned to be processed before the chosen date will be finished VirtualStockDesc=Virtual stock is the calculated stock available once all open/pending actions (that affect stocks) are closed (purchase orders received, sales orders shipped, manufacturing orders produced, etc) AtDate=At date IdWarehouse=Id warehouse DescWareHouse=Description warehouse LieuWareHouse=Localisation warehouse WarehousesAndProducts=Warehouses and products WarehousesAndProductsBatchDetail=Warehouses and products (with detail per lot/serial) AverageUnitPricePMPShort=Weighted average price AverageUnitPricePMPDesc=The input average unit price we had to expense to get 1 unit of product into our stock. SellPriceMin=Selling Unit Price EstimatedStockValueSellShort=Value for sell EstimatedStockValueSell=Value for sell EstimatedStockValueShort=Input stock value EstimatedStockValue=Input stock value DeleteAWarehouse=Delete a warehouse ConfirmDeleteWarehouse=Are you sure you want to delete the warehouse %s? PersonalStock=Personal stock %s ThisWarehouseIsPersonalStock=This warehouse represents personal stock of %s %s SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease=Choose warehouse to use for stock decrease SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease=Choose warehouse to use for stock increase NoStockAction=No stock action DesiredStock=Desired Stock DesiredStockDesc=This stock amount will be the value used to fill the stock by replenishment feature. StockToBuy=To order Replenishment=Replenishment ReplenishmentOrders=Replenishment orders VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=According to increase/decrease stock options, physical stock and virtual stock (physical stock + open orders) may differ UseRealStockByDefault=Use real stock, instead of virtual stock, for replenishment feature ReplenishmentCalculation=Amount to order will be (desired quantity - real stock) instead of (desired quantity - virtual stock) UseVirtualStock=Use virtual stock UsePhysicalStock=Use physical stock CurentSelectionMode=Current selection mode CurentlyUsingVirtualStock=Virtual stock CurentlyUsingPhysicalStock=Physical stock RuleForStockReplenishment=Rule for stocks replenishment SelectProductWithNotNullQty=Select at least one product with a qty not null and a vendor AlertOnly= Alerts only IncludeProductWithUndefinedAlerts = Include also negative stock for products with no desired quantity defined, to restore them to 0 WarehouseForStockDecrease=The warehouse %s will be used for stock decrease WarehouseForStockIncrease=The warehouse %s will be used for stock increase ForThisWarehouse=For this warehouse ReplenishmentStatusDesc=This is a list of all products with a stock lower than desired stock (or lower than alert value if checkbox "alert only" is checked). Using the checkbox, you can create purchase orders to fill the difference. ReplenishmentStatusDescPerWarehouse=If you want a replenishment based on desired quantity defined per warehouse, you must add a filter on the warehouse. ReplenishmentOrdersDesc=This is a list of all open purchase orders including predefined products. Only open orders with predefined products, so orders that may affect stocks, are visible here. Replenishments=Replenishments NbOfProductBeforePeriod=Quantity of product %s in stock before selected period (< %s) NbOfProductAfterPeriod=Quantity of product %s in stock after selected period (> %s) MassMovement=Mass movement SelectProductInAndOutWareHouse=Select a source warehouse and a target warehouse, a product and a quantity then click "%s". Once this is done for all required movements, click on "%s". RecordMovement=Record transfer ReceivingForSameOrder=Receipts for this order StockMovementRecorded=Stock movements recorded RuleForStockAvailability=Rules on stock requirements StockMustBeEnoughForInvoice=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to invoice (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into invoice whatever the rule for automatic stock change) StockMustBeEnoughForOrder=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to order (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into order whatever the rule for automatic stock change) StockMustBeEnoughForShipment= Stock level must be enough to add product/service to shipment (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into shipment whatever the rule for automatic stock change) MovementLabel=Label of movement TypeMovement=Direction of movement DateMovement=Date of movement InventoryCode=Movement or inventory code IsInPackage=Contained into package WarehouseAllowNegativeTransfer=Stock can be negative qtyToTranferIsNotEnough=You don't have enough stock from your source warehouse and your setup does not allow negative stocks. qtyToTranferLotIsNotEnough=You don't have enough stock, for this lot number, from your source warehouse and your setup does not allow negative stocks (Qty for product '%s' with lot '%s' is %s in warehouse '%s'). ShowWarehouse=Show warehouse MovementCorrectStock=Stock correction for product %s MovementTransferStock=Stock transfer of product %s into another warehouse InventoryCodeShort=Inv./Mov. code NoPendingReceptionOnSupplierOrder=No pending reception due to open purchase order ThisSerialAlreadyExistWithDifferentDate=This lot/serial number (%s) already exists but with different eatby or sellby date (found %s but you enter %s). OpenAnyMovement=Open (all movement) OpenInternal=Open (only internal movement) UseDispatchStatus=Use a dispatch status (approve/refuse) for product lines on purchase order reception OptionMULTIPRICESIsOn=Option "several prices per segment" is on. It means a product has several selling price so value for sell can't be calculated ProductStockWarehouseCreated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly created ProductStockWarehouseUpdated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly updated ProductStockWarehouseDeleted=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly deleted AddNewProductStockWarehouse=Set new limit for alert and desired optimal stock AddStockLocationLine=Decrease quantity then click to add another warehouse for this product InventoryDate=Inventory date Inventories=Inventories NewInventory=New inventory inventorySetup = Inventory Setup inventoryCreatePermission=Create new inventory inventoryReadPermission=View inventories inventoryWritePermission=Update inventories inventoryValidatePermission=Validate inventory inventoryDeletePermission=Delete inventory inventoryTitle=Inventory inventoryListTitle=Inventories inventoryListEmpty=No inventory in progress inventoryCreateDelete=Create/Delete inventory inventoryCreate=Create new inventoryEdit=편집하다 inventoryValidate=확인 됨 inventoryDraft=Running inventorySelectWarehouse=Warehouse choice inventoryConfirmCreate=Create inventoryOfWarehouse=Inventory for warehouse: %s inventoryErrorQtyAdd=Error: one quantity is less than zero inventoryMvtStock=By inventory inventoryWarningProductAlreadyExists=This product is already into list SelectCategory=Category filter SelectFournisseur=Vendor filter inventoryOnDate=Inventory INVENTORY_USE_INVENTORY_DATE_FOR_DATE_OF_MVT=Stock movements will have the date of inventory (instead of the date of inventory validation) inventoryChangePMPPermission=Allow to change PMP value for a product ColumnNewPMP=New unit PMP OnlyProdsInStock=Do not add product without stock TheoricalQty=Theorical qty TheoricalValue=Theorical qty LastPA=Last BP CurrentPA=Curent BP RecordedQty=Recorded Qty RealQty=Real Qty RealValue=Real Value RegulatedQty=Regulated Qty AddInventoryProduct=Add product to inventory AddProduct=더하다 ApplyPMP=Apply PMP FlushInventory=Flush inventory ConfirmFlushInventory=Do you confirm this action? InventoryFlushed=Inventory flushed ExitEditMode=Exit edition inventoryDeleteLine=행 삭제 RegulateStock=Regulate Stock ListInventory=목록 StockSupportServices=Stock management supports Services StockSupportServicesDesc=By default, you can stock only products of type "product". You may also stock a product of type "service" if both module Services and this option are enabled. ReceiveProducts=Receive items StockIncreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Increase by correction/transfer StockDecreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Decrease by correction/transfer StockIncrease=Stock increase StockDecrease=Stock decrease InventoryForASpecificWarehouse=Inventory for a specific warehouse InventoryForASpecificProduct=Inventory for a specific product StockIsRequiredToChooseWhichLotToUse=Stock is required to choose which lot to use ForceTo=Force to AlwaysShowFullArbo=Display full tree of warehouse on popup of warehouse links (Warning: This may decrease dramatically performances) StockAtDatePastDesc=You can view here the stock (real stock) at a given date in the past StockAtDateFutureDesc=You can view here the stock (virtual stock) at a given date in the future CurrentStock=Current stock InventoryRealQtyHelp=Set value to 0 to reset qty
Keep field empty, or remove line, to keep unchanged UpdateByScaning=Complete real qty by scaning UpdateByScaningProductBarcode=Update by scan (product barcode) UpdateByScaningLot=Update by scan (lot|serial barcode) DisableStockChangeOfSubProduct=Deactivate the stock change for all the subproducts of this Kit during this movement. ImportFromCSV=Import CSV list of movement ChooseFileToImport=Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file... SelectAStockMovementFileToImport=select a stock movement file to import InfoTemplateImport=Uploaded file needs to have this format (* are mandatory fields):
Source Warehouse* | Target Warehouse* | Product* | Quantity* | Lot/serial number
CSV character separator must be "%s" LabelOfInventoryMovemement=Inventory %s ReOpen=Reopen ConfirmFinish=Do you confirm the closing of the inventory ? This will generate all stock movements to update your stock to the real qty you entered into the inventory. ObjectNotFound=%s not found MakeMovementsAndClose=Generate movements and close AutofillWithExpected=Replace real quantity with expected quantity ShowAllBatchByDefault=By default, show batch details on product "stock" tab CollapseBatchDetailHelp=You can set batch detail default display in stocks module configuration ErrorWrongBarcodemode=Unknown Barcode mode ProductDoesNotExist=Product does not exist ErrorSameBatchNumber=Several record for the batch number were found in the inventory sheet. No way to know which one to increase. ProductBatchDoesNotExist=Product with batch/serial does not exist ProductBarcodeDoesNotExist=Product with barcode does not exist WarehouseId=Warehouse ID WarehouseRef=Warehouse Ref SaveQtyFirst=Save the real inventoried quantities first, before asking creation of the stock movement. InventoryStartedShort=Started ErrorOnElementsInventory=Operation canceled for the following reason: ErrorCantFindCodeInInventory=Can't find the following code in inventory QtyWasAddedToTheScannedBarcode=Success !! The quantity was added to all the requested barcode. You can close the Scanner tool. StockChangeDisabled=Change on stock disabled NoWarehouseDefinedForTerminal=No warehouse defined for terminal