# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - oauth ConfigOAuth=OAuth konfiguratsiyasi OAuthServices=OAuth xizmatlari ManualTokenGeneration=Jetonlarni qo'lda yaratish TokenManager=Token menejeri IsTokenGenerated=Token yaratiladimi? NoAccessToken=Mahalliy ma'lumotlar bazasida hech qanday kirish belgisi saqlanmadi HasAccessToken=Token yaratildi va mahalliy ma'lumotlar bazasiga saqlandi NewTokenStored=Token qabul qilindi va saqlandi ToCheckDeleteTokenOnProvider=%s OAuth provayderi tomonidan saqlangan avtorizatsiyani tekshirish / o'chirish uchun shu erni bosing TokenDeleted=Jeton o'chirildi RequestAccess=Click here to request/renew access and receive a new token DeleteAccess=Click here to delete token UseTheFollowingUrlAsRedirectURI=OAuth provayderingiz bilan hisobga olish ma'lumotlarini yaratishda quyidagi URL manzilini qayta yo'naltirish URI sifatida foydalaning: ListOfSupportedOauthProviders=Add your OAuth2 token providers. Then, go on your OAuth provider admin page to create/get an OAuth ID and Secret and save them here. Once done, switch on the other tab to generate your token. OAuthSetupForLogin=Page to manage (generate/delete) OAuth tokens SeePreviousTab=Oldingi yorliqni ko'ring OAuthProvider=OAuth provider OAuthIDSecret=OAuth identifikatori va maxfiy TOKEN_REFRESH=Tokenni yangilash sovg'asi TOKEN_EXPIRED=Jeton muddati tugagan TOKEN_EXPIRE_AT=Jeton muddati tugaydi TOKEN_DELETE=Saqlangan belgini o'chirish OAUTH_GOOGLE_NAME=OAuth Google xizmati OAUTH_GOOGLE_ID=OAuth Google Id OAUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET=OAuth Google Secret OAUTH_GITHUB_NAME=OAuth GitHub xizmati OAUTH_GITHUB_ID=OAuth GitHub Id OAUTH_GITHUB_SECRET=OAuth GitHub Secret OAUTH_URL_FOR_CREDENTIAL=Go to this page to create or get your OAuth ID and Secret OAUTH_STRIPE_TEST_NAME=OAuth Stripe testi OAUTH_STRIPE_LIVE_NAME=OAuth Stripe Live OAUTH_ID=OAuth ID OAUTH_SECRET=OAuth secret OAuthProviderAdded=OAuth provider added AOAuthEntryForThisProviderAndLabelAlreadyHasAKey=An OAuth entry for this provider and label already exists